Hello Premodern people! With gone, you might be wondering if Parfait can be rebuilt with some new “engine”, or if the part of the deck can be used in another shell. The Oath package of and is a very sharp tool against the top aggro decks of the format:…
This is a guest article by Iñaki Puigdollers from Spain. Enjoy! / Martin Introduction Back in late June 2022, I decided to go to the European Championships. What should I play? I had four months to get ready but my time was very limited due to my personal situation. I…
Seb is back on the blog with a piece about a somewhat underplayed card in Premodern. But before that, let me take the time to promote the Premodern Online Play Facebook group, for those of you itching to play some Premodern in these stay-at-home days. Cheers! / Martin Hellooo there! Let…
Seb Celia is back with an, umm, well-researched article. Enjoy! / Martin Let us talk about Reanimator. And I will show you my thought process in three gentle steps. But before we do that, I need to tell you what I had in mind when putting it together. I wanted…
Today’s guest post is written by Stefan Guttenberger from Germany. As usual, you are welcome to discuss the article in the international Premodern Facebook group. Enjoy! / Martin How many players do you need to play a Magic the Gathering match? Two, of course. But how many players do you…