For a long time, you ‘d have to search the very corners of the web for Premodern content, and if you were lucky, you’d find the occasional introductory article to the format. But, boy, did this change over the past couple of years or so, and today we even have some sources dedicated solely or mostly to Premodern! I couldn’t be happier, and I hope it makes up for the meager output on this blog lately… In this post, I list the most prominent channels. I’ll try to keep this post updated, so if you’re aware of something that should be added to the list, don’t hesitate to reach out.
- Premodcast, by Mike Harris, Jared Doucette and Andrew Walker
- All Tings Considered, by Bryan Manolakos
- Monster of the Week, by Seb and Anton Glans
- I’ve Got ?????’s, A Premodern Podcast, by William Hirst
- Spike Colony, by Mike Flores and Lanny Huang
- Banding, by Phil Nguyen
- Mike Flores @ Coolstuffinc
- mtgdojoera, by Andy Culpepper
- Cloudgoat Ranger (YouTube, Twitch), by Michael J Heup
- Mise Well Watch (YouTube, Twitch), by Andrew Walker
Premodern MTGO, by Paulmaster (Pablo)
- Blade of Llanowar/Elendrile (YouTube, Twitch), by Michael Arnold
- fpawluszmtg, by Francisco Pawluszek
- I Play Magic, by Pj Priestly
- WakWak (YouTube, Twitch) by Gordon Andersson and friends
- Mengu’s Workshop, by Andrea Mengucci
- Czech Premodern
- Old School MTG Channel, by Resti Gonzalez (Spanish)
- Premodern Never Give Up (Spanish)
- Bold Team MTG, by Yuse Garcia (Spanish)
- Mox Forge (German)
I hope you’ll find something to enjoy, and huge props to all the amazing content creators in this list!
– Martin