Hello Premodern people! On Sunday 4 April, Anton Glans and Premodern Magic arrange a one-day free and free-for-all online webcam tournament—the Premodern Easter Championship. The event will be played through tolaria.app. And if you haven’t heard of it already, Tolaria is the brainchild of our own web wizard Mattias “slanfan”…
April. I had just booked a venue for Swedish Nationals, capped at 36 people. That should probably suffice, in light of the attendance of 18 players at last year’s Nationals, right? Shortly thereafter, Erkka “Prote” Jouste hits me up on the Premodern Discord and asks if the event is open…
This is the second part of Ron Taylor’s organizer’s report from the second Premodern Online Open. Read the first part here. As usual, you’re welcome to the discuss the content on the Premodern social media channels. Cheers! / Martin Variety is the spice of life. Today I am going to…
Today’s guest post is a good ol’ tournament report, written by Jens Jaeger. Enjoy! / Martin On the 9th of February, I played in the first German Premodern Championship. In the Premodern Facebook group, Martin Berlin asked if someone wanted to write a short report, and here we go! I…
Hi Premodernists! Recently, we finished the first ever online Premodern tournament—the Premodern Online Open—played with real cards on webcam via Skype or appear.in. The whole thing was flawlessly organized by Clifford Mathieson and out of the 24 participating players, Jared Doucette came out on top with his mono-red Sligh deck. Congratulations! 🙂…
Prologue Somewhat surprisingly, perhaps, I’m not a very nostalgic person. But one thing I really liked about playing Magic in the Premodern era was the unified geographical tournament structure, with Nationals feeding the European Championships, in turn feeding the World Championships and the whole Pro Tour circuit. No matter at…
Every now and then the Grand Prix circus hits town, and I figured that this time was a good opportunity to gather some Premodern players from places far away for a casual tournament. I opted for day two, Sunday the 16th of September, since this would allow those who didn’t…
Hello Premodernists! Our community is growing, but some of you might still have a hard time finding players locally. If you’re itching to playtest your Premodern brew, you could still do so in an online game, using either a webcam (e.g. with Skype, appear.in or Google Hangouts) or a software…
Sunday the 17th of June was the date for the first ever Swedish Nationals in Premodern. The event took place in Stockholm and was organized by myself and hosted by Wak-Wak, who also organized the 93/94 tournament Ivory Cup on the day before. 18 players showed up to battle for the…